I first got introduced to what phenomenal overall health looks like when I was about 8 years old watching this 100 year old man on tv in a news interview playing baseball. He was so fit!! It shocked me, especially when he flexed his bicep and it looked so huge!! It really opened up my mind of what someone could do when they put the time and effort in using the right strategies.
I started working out when I was 16 and as soon as I picked up the weights I knew I was going to be doing this for the rest of my life. I was a very shy, skinny like a rail and lacked confidence. Lifting weights was the beginning of that change that shifted my mental and emotional state that made me feel better about myself and made me feel more alive. Since then I’ve only missed maybe 6 months out of my life do to various life circumstances that have kept me out of the game. It is a must that my overall health be my number one priority because it only makes everything else in my life better.
It makes a better martial arts instructor, a better practitioner as a Medical Exercise Specialist, be more present in all my relationships, and most importantly a better person. Someone connected me to an idea awhile back that has made my health my top priority. He said “If someone doesn’t listen to what their body needs and they say they love you, what makes you think they will listen to you and your needs?” That struck such a huge chord and it made me focus on my own well being even more.
I know what it’s like to go through pain and from those experiences I want to share my skills and knowledge to help another overcome theirs and in some cases prevent what I went through so they can live more fulfilling lives. The pain that I’ve went through has made be a stronger and a better person. It has also made me appreciate my life more and gotten me push to make every second of my life count.
I've been in the health and wellness industry as a Medical Exercise Specialist for about 20 years now and have worked with multiple coaches that have taught me invaluable tools that I’m excited to share with others. My primary focus is to help independent women in their 40’s+ live pain free lives and achieve peak performance in their mental and physical state using my 3 step training and nutrition protocol. Having said that, I am absolutely open to the idea of working with other demographics because I believe in always being there to help another no matter what the circumstances.
Medical Exercise Specialist
Personal Trainer certificate program from Mount Royal University
Certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant (C.H.N.C)
We believe in taking care of our own overall health so we can provide the best service possible for our clients. We believe that clients need people they can follow that are living what they talk. Being a person of influence requires us to be the best possible example that we can be. Transparency and authenticity are two of our top values.